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Good Times With Crazy People

Because politically incorrect humor is the answer to all things

Gender Reveal? Is this for real?????

And...what about "Gender Reveal" this necessary? honest...don't lie and say,"Yes, they're the best thing that ever happened to America, I don't know how we lived without them!!!!" because you and I both know you're full of BS! Am I the...

The Real Adoption

The Real Adoption While it is wonderful and encouraging to see families with adoptive children thriving and building a good healthy bond; I would also caution people to understand that adoption is not always the “Let’s hold hands as a family and run through a meadow...

Tales from a Typical Teenager…UGH!

I took David (13 years old) to the doctor yesterday for a check up. I love to embarrass him, it really satisfies something somewhere deep in my soul that I can’t explain; it’s payback for all the crap he tries to pull, payback for rolling his eyes at me, and waking up...

Get me some cookies!

Last week was just the best! Derek and I visited our friends at Gallatin Rest Home..personally my favorite place in town!! 😍 We mainly visited with staff this time...(we arrived at lunch time...and as any human should never want to interrupt the lunch time...